2023-24シーズン チームアイデンティティとキャプテンについて
- 「チームアイデンティティ」とは、選手・チームスタッフがシーズンを通してチームとして戦い、目標達成するための基盤となる考え方です。
World Class Shape 身体状態を世界レベルに保つ
Critical to our success on the floor and is completely controllable. Being in World Class Shape will take discipline on and off the floor but we will strive to reach this level of conditioning as a group. We view this as a competitive advantage against our opponents.
Accountability 責任感を持つ
Everyone must be held accountable to reach our goals of winning championships. The best teams are held accountable day in and day out. Coaches will hold players accountable and players will also hold each other accountable.
Toughness + Competitiveness 強靭さ・粘り強さ + 競争力・競争心
We will play and practice with extreme toughness and competitiveness every day we step on the floor. We will make sure that our fans have pride in how hard we will play on every possession.
Unity + Joy 団結・結束 + 喜び
We will be a team that plays together and enjoys playing together. Playing with joy will allow us to have fun playing a game that we love.
2023-24シーズン キャプテンについて
I believe that everyone must share a leadership role amongst our team in order for us to have the most success. Every player on our team is a leader amongst themselves and each other and it will be critical that we maintain that mentality throughout the season.